Commercial Pressure Washing In Charlotte NC And Surrounding Cities

In this age of social networking and internet marketing, many companies are focusing heavily on Facebook updates, tweets about their businesses, and their LinkedIn network connections.  These are very effective ways of drawing the public towards your business.  It helps get Joe Public off his couch and into your store.  It gets a company’s name in front of thousands at a very little cost. 

What does a business owner or manager do when their company uses a successful social networking campaign, coupled with a very expensive advertising campaign, has wonderful customer service, but they can’t keep customers that visit their store?  Their product is wonderful, their prices are competitive, but for some reason Joe Public turns his back after one visit. 

 Camelot Pressure Washing, Inc. suggests that these owners and managers consider their appearance.  There is nothing more unsightly than hundreds of wads of chewing gum and years of built up grime covering the concrete in front of a business.  It lets the whole world know that a business has no regard for cleanliness.  It also makes folks wonder that “if the FRONT of the business looks like this where everyone can see, what does the BACK look like where customers can’t see?”

 The entrance to a business should be clean of gum and grime.  There should be no slippery mildew on the concrete where a customer might fall.  We live in a litigious society where business owners need to be aware of these hazards.  Mildew streaks on the front of a business scream “WE DON’T CARE ABOUT OUR APPEARANCE!” 

 These are tough economic times where customers are making very informed purchases about every product they buy.  It is important to set your business apart from the competition in any way possible.  One easy way to accomplish this is by hiring a professional commercial pressure washing firm to clean your storefront on regular basis.  Pressure washing is an inexpensive way to make your business literally stand out from the competition.  Clean, gum-free sidewalks with no mildew on them, speaks volumes about the product that is INSIDE the commercial location, regardless of what product it is.

 Call Camelot Pressure Washing, Inc. today at 704-400-0623 for your free quote and free demo.  Become a fan of our Facebook page for more information.  We can show you what a difference a clean storefront can make!

Pressure Washing Charlotte Concrete


Many Charlotte area homeowners that are concerned about the maintenance of their home often overlook their concrete driveways, sidewalks, and patios.  These areas are prone to collecting mold, mud, oil stains, tire marks and leaf stains.  The reason they are often overlooked is because their transformation from clean to dirty is often very slow, accumulating over the course of several neglected years.  The good news is that having the concrete pressure washed properly provides instant satisfaction for the homeowner.

            A qualified professional pressure company will utilize the proper cleansers with the correct amount of water pressure and equipment to transform streaked, stained concrete into a clean sheet you can be proud of.  Homeowners should be careful to hire a licensed, insured pressure washing company that can perform this service properly.  Improper pressure washing can result in removing the top layer of protective coating, commonly called the “cream” of the concrete.  Using the wrong cleansers can burn the concrete and kill grass and landscaping.

             Having clean concrete at your home is a fast, inexpensive way to give it instant curb appeal.  Maintaining the concrete will reduce the hazards of slippery mold or hazardous oil stains.  Give your home an instant facelift!

Camelot Pressure Washing, Inc. Service Area

Mecklenburg County – Charlotte Cornelius Davidson Huntersville Matthews Mint Hill Pineville
Cabarrus County – Concord Harrisburg Kannapolis Midland Mount Pleasant
Union County – Indian Trail Marshville Marvin Matthews Mineral Springs Monroe Stallings Waxhaw Weddington Wesley Chapel Wingate Mooresville Fort Mill Rock Hill, and many more!


Commercial pressure washing Charlotte NC | 704-400-0623

It’s the time of year when business owners and property managers are preparing their businesses for 2009.  Don’t forget maintenance on your storefront or concrete!  Aesthetically, your business should always look clean and inviting.  There shouldn’t be any gum, mildew, or staining on your sidewalks and storefronts and columns should be free of debris and “gunk”.

If you are in the Charlotte area and need help keeping your business clean, give Camelot Pressure Washing a call!  We accomodate your store hours and leave businesses looking fantastic!  Whether it’s commercial pressure washing or residential, Camelot Pressure Washing can give you the “Royal Treatment”!  Visit us today at, or call us at (704) 400-0623 for a FREE estimate!